Conflict Transformation in the Arts
Bringing together research and practice-led perspectives in a working forum

This event was the third in this series bringing together research and practice-led perspectives ina working forum of research and arts practitioner panelist. It followed on from a Mitchell Institute roundtable, ‘Music, Language and the Arts: Protest, Empowerment and Healing’ (2016), and a PaCCS funded Sounding Conflict: From Resistance to Reconciliation partner event (2017).
The panelists discussed in what ways and to what extent artistic genres and practices are understood as effective in peacebuilding. They also reflected on the opportunities, challenges and limitations that music and the arts present in conflict contexts. They considered the impacts of innovation and how creativities are shaping arts’ policies and politics. Areas included, how do wider conflict or post-conflict contexts inform developments and advancements in arts’ activities and their delivery? Why are certain approaches effective in some contexts but not in others, and how have they changed over time? What issues arise for facilitators in implementing, evaluating and supporting participants during, and following, these programmes?